
EP 24 – All or Nothing: The Motivation Killer – Zara’s Story

by | Apr 12, 2021

EP 24- All or Nothing: the Motivation Killer – Zara’s Story

Show Notes

All or Nothing thinking abounds in the fitness industry.  Effective but erroneous marketing leads us to believe that we must workout hard for an hour 5 days a week or there’s no point; that we must sweat and be sore or we did it wrong; that we must lift the weights, do the cardio, and we must do it fast, heavy and with intensity…. Otherwise we’ll never get healthy.

I’ve met countless women who feel so stuck because they believe they have to do it all and do it perfectly, and when they can’t achieve or sustain the ideal, then anything less seems like failure and they give up. 

It’s not a very motivating feeling.

Our guest today, Zara,  is a participant in my Right Body for Me program, who has been able to transform her all or nothing thinking into creating a game she could win.  She’s discovered joyful movement and feels motivated to chase health on her terms.  

Listen in to hear how she made this transition and go un-stuck.


Read the Full Transcript Here

What you’ll learn by listening:

  • Why we struggle with all or nothing thinking in terms of movement
  • How all or nothing keeps us stuck, and how that affects our sense of self
  • The mindset shift that is needed to move out of all or nothing
  • How creating a game you can win sets you up to chase health on your terms.

Mentioned in the show:  

Right Body for Me – 6 month transformative coaching program

The Motivation Secret – FREE guide to help you get unstuck with exercise

Resources for Non-Diet Professionals



Radiant Vitality Website

Kim Hagle

About the Host

Kim Hagle (she/her)  is Certified Personal Trainer, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Body Image Coach and founder of Radiant Vitality Wellness. Through her signature coaching  program, “Right Body for Me”, she helps women heal their relationship with food and exercise while disconnecting their worth from their weight, so they can feel healthy, happy and confident in the body they have.  

Disclaimer.  The information contained in this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice.  Always consult a health care professional about your unique needs.

All or Nothing Thinking: The Motivation Killer