
EP 84 – Hate Exercise? Let’s Talk!

by | Jul 25, 2022

EP 84 – Hate Exercise? Let’s Talk!

Show Notes

Hate exercise, but want to feel better in your body?  You’re not alone.

There are a lot of women who want to experience the benefits of movement, who want to get moving, who know they’d feel better if they did but just CAN’T because they dread the thought of working out, or hate exercise or have injuries, so they feel stuck, with nowhere to turn.

As a professional in an industry that is all about health and well being, I feel it’s my duty to listen, learn and do better to create safe spaces so EVERYONE can feel comfortable participating.

So, can I humbly ask a favour?

If you are someone who has experienced trauma or weight stigma in a fitness environment, or you simply dread exercise or working out because of the messages you’ve internalized from the fitness industry or diet culture, I would love the opportunity to chat with you to deepen my understanding and ability to serve well.

If that sounds like you, would you be willing to jump on a 30 minute free call where we can talk about your experience, the changes you’d like to see in the industry and the type of support that you think would be most helpful to heal your relationship with movement?  This is not a sales call – there will be no pitch.  Just an opportunity for you to receive some free coaching and for me to learn.

If you’re willing, please visit this link to book some time with me.

About the Host

Kim Hagle (she/her)  is Certified Personal Trainer, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Body Image Coach and founder of Radiant Vitality Wellness. Through her signature coaching  program, “Right Body for Me”, she helps women heal their relationship with food and exercise while disconnecting their worth from their weight, so they can feel healthy, happy and confident in the body they have.  

Want to feel good in your body without focusing on weight? 

Register for our free 5 day mini training course. -You’ll receive one short video and worksheet each day for 5 days that will help get started with the non-diet approach and  feeling better in your NOW body! www.radiantvitality.ca/freetraining

Ready to take the next step? 

Visit our website to learn more about our coaching programs www.radiantvitality.ca/programs

For health professionals looking to adopt the non-diet approach in your business,

visit Kim’s mentor, Stephanie Dodier’s site for free resources to get started.  https://www.stephaniedodier.com

Let’s stay in touch!

Kim is on Instagram and Facebook @radiantvitalitywellness. 


The information contained in this podcast is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice.  Always consult a health care professional about your unique needs.

Full Transcript

[00:00:00] Hey friends. Welcome to the joyful movement show. I hope that you are having a great summer. I’m popping in here today with a short, realtime episode to bring you up to speed on some things I’ve been pondering. And I also want to ask, if you would be willing to let me pick your brain, let me explain. 

[00:00:19] So I mentioned to you that I was taking a summer slowdown, which has been amazing. I’ve been spending more time with my family and being out in nature. I went on a fantastic camping trip with a friend in Northern Ontario for a week. And I can’t wait to share some reflections from that with you. But it’s just been really nice to have more unstructured time and more space. And I’ve been finding with that, that there’s been this huge surge of ideas and creativity, which has been really awesome. 

[00:00:46] Now, none of that is out there in the world yet. So you wouldn’t see any evidence of all that creative energy on my social media in. In fact, I’ve been pretty quiet on there lately. But there’s lots of things swirling around in my brain about how I can better serve my community and help all of you learn and grow in terms of your relationship with movement, food, and body. And that’s why I’m here today. 

[00:01:08] I’ve been reflecting a lot about my mission through radiant vitality, wellness, and here at the joyful movement show. And I guess bottom line is I’m still so passionate about helping all women experience the benefits of having an enjoyable and consistent movement practice so that they can feel strong and energetic in their body. Where they can have the strength and stamina and mobility to do the things they want to do in life with more ease and less pain. And to trust their body and to feel connected to their body and live life more embodied. 

[00:01:42] But here’s what I’ve noticed is that most fitness programs or courses or coaching containers, even in this non diet space, Are focused on traditional exercise and helping women access and find more joy in fitness in the traditional sense. Like working out with weights and doing squats and pushups or running, jumping jacks and the like. 

[00:02:08] And I don’t think that’s bad. That’s not what I’m saying. There’s a lot of trainers and coaches that are making fitness and fitness environments a whole lot safer and more accessible and inclusive. And I love that. I mean, that’s my top commitment with the fitness and personal training side of my business as well. 

[00:02:27] However, I’ve also become aware that we, as in the fitness industry, Kind of still are sending the message that learning to like working out should be the end goal. Like fitness still seems to only look one way, even if that way is free of all weight, stigma and judgment and toxic fitspo. 

[00:02:49] And I think in doing so, yes, we’re helping a lot of people who want to work out and to feel a lot more comfortable doing so. But I think we’re missing a whole lot of people. Whether that’s folks who’ve experienced weight stigma, or judgment in a gym environment, or who have disordered relationships with exercise or who have had exercise used as a form of punishment or who simply don’t like exercise in the traditional sense and have no desire to work out, no matter how safe and inclusive it is. 

[00:03:25] I know that there’s a lot of women who want to experience the benefits of movement, who say they want to get moving more, who know they’d feel better if they did, but just can’t because they dread the thought of working out. They hate exercise or they have injuries. And exercise doesn’t feel safe. Whatever the reason, but they feel stuck. Or they feel uncomfortable, maybe they’re in pain and they’re, they’re saying no to things that would be fun for them or feeling like they can’t try the things that they’d like to experience because they feel out of shape and just feeling like they have no choice and no way out of this. 

[00:04:09] And no one’s helping those women. No one is addressing the relationship with movement side of things and offering something to the woman who just really hates traditional exercise. And probably that’s because we have no idea how to do that. 

[00:04:27] Which is why I’m here today. Because I realized I want to help that woman. But I don’t know how, and I would really like your help in understanding how to best serve you. I am very curious about how to help those of you who feel resistant to accessing traditional fitness for whatever reason. Whether that’s because of internalized messaging from the fitness industry making you feel like you don’t belong. 

[00:04:55] Or whether that’s because you’ve experienced weight stigma or trauma in a fitness environment. Whether it’s because of body image issues or injuries, or maybe you don’t even know why, but you just don’t like or desire to do exercise, but you want to get moving and feeling better. I would really like to chat with you to understand your perspective, your struggles, your needs, and the type of support that you feel would help you access movement in a way that feels good for you. 

[00:05:23] So, if that sounds like you, would you be willing to jump on a 30 minute free call where we can talk about your experiences? The changes that you’d like to see in the fitness industry and the type of support that you think would be most helpful to heal your relationship with movement. 

[00:05:40] I promise it is absolutely not a sales call. I will not pitch to you. This is really just an opportunity for you to receive some free coaching. And for me to learn. Honestly, I think it is really sad and shameful how our industry that is supposedly all about health and wellbeing has alienated so many people. Which is creating the exact opposite result of what we want, where people are not moving because they feel inadequate and unsafe. So I just want to encourage you by saying that if you feel this way, it’s not your fault. It’s okay if you don’t like exercise. It’s okay if movement doesn’t feel joyful. 

[00:06:17] And the truth is you don’t have to exercise now or ever. Humans don’t need exercise. We need movement. And you do deserve to feel good in your body. You deserve to feel strong, mobile, and comfortable if that’s what you desire and you deserve to be able to find the help that you need. So, if you feel like an outcast in the fitness industry, and you wish that someone would help you with this stuff, but you can’t find the help that you need, please give me a shout and share your thoughts with me. 

[00:06:47] I honestly have no idea at this point where things will go, but all I do know is I’m committed to being the change in the industry and serving my community well. So, your input is very valuable to me. So there’s a link to book a call with me in the show notes, or you can also find that in my Instagram bio. 

[00:07:05] Or you could just send me a DM or an email at hello@radiantvitality.ca. If you prefer to just write me. So with all that said, I look forward to meeting some of you listeners in real life. And if we don’t get to chat, please know that I appreciate all of you who tune in and are part of this movement we’re creating here. Keep on enjoying your summer. I hope that you’re making some wonderful memories. 

[00:07:29] I will be back here soon with you, but in the meantime, here’s to your radiant vitality.