
Radiant People – Anne-Marie

by | Dec 8, 2020

“Right Body for Me has been a much deeper journey into myself than I ever imagined it would be”

I am so privileged in my work to be able to meet and walk alongside some truly remarkable women.

Anne-Marie and I go way back, but we’ve got to know each other on a whole other level as she has participated in my 16 week transformative coaching program, Right Body for Me.

Though she has worked in the health and wellness industry her whole life, Anne-Marie’s focus was always on helping others, to the detriment of her own self-care.  When she started the program, her goal was to repair her relationship to exercise – she felt out of place in a gym, didn’t know what types of movement felt good for her and felt like people would judge her if they saw her working out.

Over the course of our time together, I have witnessed Anne-Marie blossom into someone who now craves daily movement, confidently seeks out new, fun ways to move her body and inspires others by modelling movement as self-care.

Apart from that, Anne-Marie has experienced her own mindset transformation, that goes far beyond her relationship with exercise.

Here’s her words:

I joined Right Body for Me at a time in my life when I have recently been overcoming some health challenges and was looking for tools to keep me on track.  Like many of us, I thought if I can just have some steps to follow to keep myself on track I will be successful at improving my health and well being.

What I am learning through this program is why behaviour change has always been so unsustainable, that a series of restrictive behaviours aka diets, works in the short term but doesn’t produce lasting change because until now I have not tapped into the power of my thoughts.

Right Body for Me has been a much deeper journey into myself than I ever imagined it would be and although my focus has been on health I am discovering this program is creating positive change in so many areas of my life that I value, my relationships with family & friends, it’s changing how I show up and engage as a leader in my workplace and how I navigate difficult situations and manage stress.

Diet culture is sneaky and is far more socialized into us than we realize.  It exists in our thoughts, and although outwardly I did not think diet culture was affecting my body image and interactions in the world it was present in my thoughts that were ultimately directing my behaviour.

Right Body for Me has been a very liberating and freeing experience for me to finally feel that I can direct the changes I want to see in my life, and I’m having success that feels good.  When I’m asked to describe this experience to others it can be a challenge to put into words, but the best description I have is that this program has been a compass for me to begin to find joy in my life again.

If you feel a rumble inside yourself that you want change, but have a bit of discouragement because you feel like you have been down this road before I can assure you that you haven’t been down THIS road because the Right Body for Me path will lead you off the failed diet cycle and chasing a number on the scale and will open a whole new experience for you.